Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Salt Room Therapy Basics

There are plenty of explanations about how spending time by the seaside or in an actual salt mine can provide relief for chronic respiratory sufferers.  And likewise numerous Eastern European studies of the last two decades have shown how modern salt rooms are able to markedly improve lung function and sinus wellness.  References to many reputable publications can be found on the internet or at a salt therapy center.  Thus, I don't plan to address any of these basics in this post, but rather I wish to set forth those basics that should be considered after getting past this initial shock:  that something so simple and natural as salt can actually outperform the products of modern medicine (though people already familiar with natural remedies will likely not be shocked at all).

1.  Salt therapy addresses the cause of symptoms, while your doctor is unfortunately only trained to treat the symptoms temporarily.  Salt therapy has no side effects, but many respiratory medications have a long list of potential health threats, and are known to cause other serious illnesses.  To a greedy and very corrupt health care system, each patient represents enormous sums of continuous income, so inexpensive, natural therapies that keep patients well longer are absolutely avoided.  I'm not saying that medicines don't have value - they do save many lives - but they are very likely over-prescribed for EVERY SINGLE PATIENT.  So the first basic:  Your doctors' advice is only one piece of the treatment puzzle.  If you only consider his advice, without exploring the many other resources available, you will be severely limiting your potential for healing.  (If, by the way, you have a doctor who actually, and actively, embraces natural therapies, I'd like to know his or her name. (I've found that many say they believe in holistic healing, but don't practice anything of the kind.))

2.  Natural therapies often require time and patience.  In our modern society patience is practically non-existent, so a rather large transformation must take place for an individual to switch from the 'quick fix' mode to the actual healing mode.  Don't expect this transition to be a simple one.  It's like switching from a poor diet of fast food to a new diet which excludes fast food - this must be done gradually - just like quitting smoking, if it is to be done successfully. (see more about nutrition in #4).

3.  Many people with asthma, for example, have mucous in their lungs.  The process of eliminating that mucous from the lungs is not always pleasant.  One may feel somewhat worse before feeling better.  This is common when treating the CAUSE.  A productive cough may develop and last throughout the entire course of therapy, and sometimes, usually near the early portion of the therapy, medications may actually need to be increased to deal with the excessive mucous being removed from the lungs (which is a very good thing, as this clearing of the lungs allows most people to reduce or discontinue medications afterwards).  Having said this, a number of people diagnosed with asthma do not experience the productive cough, but instead notice only improvements due to the anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties of the salt and ions. 
4.  These days good nutrition is as rare as patience.  Another reason to question your doctor's abilities has to do with nutrition - he might have less knowledge about this subject than a typical fifth-grader (certainly less than my fifth-grader).  And yet, proper nutrition is key to treating ANY AND EVERY ILLNESS.  I'm not just saying eat your carrots or apples - a majority of those sold in stores have very little nutritional value and many contain pesticides (so choose organic).  Nutrition is such a broad topic that we can't even begin to cover just the basics here.  So get ready to embark on a whole new nutritional journey, if you haven't already started.  It'll be worth the effort, and your body will be in a better position to heal.

So, as you can see, the basics of salt therapy entail more than the therapy itself.  It is part of the whole body healing process, and is ideal for those who don't want the spend much of their lives visiting this or that doctor or ER, where treatment is based on what is most profitable.  Your health, and the health of your family, is ultimately in YOUR hands.
